
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2020

دليل معلم منهج كونكت 2 ابتدائي نسخة أصلية Connect 2 Teacher's Guide

دليل معلم منهج كونكت 2 ابتدائي  Connect 2 Teacher's Guide دليل المعلم لمنهج كونكت للصف الثاني الابتدائي الترم الأول 2020 المنهج الجديد نسخة أصلية يمكنكم تحميل الملف من هذا الرابط http://www.mediafire.com/file/831ujwfqkw3j6jl/Egy-Connect-Prim-En-G2-TG-T1.pdf/file

Treasure Island 3 جزيرة الكنز فصل 3

Treasure Island 3 جزيرة الكنز فصل 3 The next morning, Mr Trelawney asked me to take a note to Long John Silver. I went to the inn which Silver owned. It was full of people, but I soon saw a tall, strong man with one leg. He looked very happy and seemed to know all of the people there. I walked up to him and gave him the note. When he saw that it was from Mr Trelawney, he looked surprised and said, “Ah, you must be the new ship’s boy!” At that moment, one of the men in the inn quickly left the room. I saw that he had three fingers on one hand. “It’s Black Dog!” I called. “Stop him!” “Yes, stop him! He did not pay for his food!” called Silver to one of his helpers. The helper ran after the door. “Do you know that man? Black Dog, is it?” Silver asked me. “Yes, he was one of the men who attacked my home. Did Mr Trelawney tell you about that?” I replied. “Ah, yes. I’ve seen him in my inn before. He sometimes comes with a blind man.” “The blind man is called Pew,” I said. “He w...

English Grammar Guide

English Grammar Guide https://www.up-4ever.org/atikb23yq567

قصة جزيرة الكنز للصف الأول الثانوي Treasure Island Chapter 2

قصة جزيرة الكنز للصف الأول الثانوي Treasure Island Chapter 2 I could see the road from where we were hiding, and soon I saw eight men. One of them was the blind man. I saw them walk down the road to the Admiral Benbow Inn. They were surprised to see that the door was open, then they all ran inside. I heard someone shout, One of the eight men Bill’s dead! The blind man Go and find his box. كان بإمكاني رؤية الطريق من المكان الذي كنا نختبئ به ، وسرعان ما رأيت ثمانية رجال. كان أحدهم الرجل الأعمى. رأيتهم يسيرون على الطريق المؤدي إلى نزل الأدميرال بينبو. فوجئوا برؤية الباب مفتوحًا ، ثم أسرعوا جميعًا إلى الداخل. سمعت شخص يصرخ ، أحد رجال الثمانية : لقد مات بيل.                      قال الرجل الأعمى : اذهب و ابحث عن صندوقه. A little later, a window opened from the Captain’s bedroom and a man called out. A man Someone h...

قصة جزيرة الكنز للصف الأول الثانوي Treasure Island

قصة جزيرة الكنز للصف الأول الثانوي Treasure Island Chapter 1 Jim Hawkins: جيم هوكينز I’ll start by writing about the time when my father owned an inn called the Admiral Benbow, many years ago. I remember the day when a man walked into the inn. He was tall and strong, with an old blue coat and a scar on his face. He looked around him. The Captain (Bill) This is a nice, quiet place. I’ll stay here. Please, take this up to my room. He said, pointing to a large wooden box. You can call me Captain. And this is for you. He continued, handing my father three or four gold coins. The Captain was usually a quiet man. He spent his days walking on the beach or on the cliffs. When he came back, he always asked, The Captain (Bill) Did any sailors visit the inn today? سأبدأ بالكتابة عن الوقت الذي كان يمتلك فيه والدي نزلاً (فندق صغير) يسمى الأدميرال بينبو ، قبل عدة سنوات. أتذكر اليوم الذي دخل فيه رجل إلى النزل. كان قويًا و طويل القامة ي...