
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2020

Treasure Island 4 جزيرة الكنز فصل 4

Treasure Island 4 جزيرة الكنز فصل 4   I heard people running to look at the island, and I quietly climbed out of the barrel. I then walked up to join the sailors at the side of the ship. We could see two low hills and one big one. The island was now very close. “I’ve been here before,” said Silver. “I know where the ship should stop.” “I have a map here,” said Captain Smollett. “Can you take us to that place?” I saw that Silver was excited to take the map, but it was not the one with the treasure marked on it. “Yes, I can see it. You must go here,” he said, pointing to a place on the map. Then he turned to me and said, “You’ll love this island. You can swim and climb trees and walk up the hills!” I smiled at Silver, but inside I was very frightened of him now. I could not trust anything that he said. I soon found Dr Livesy and quietly said to him, “I must speak to you, Captain Smollett and Mr Trelawney. I have some terrible news.” Dr Livesy’s expression did not ch...