
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2020

How to teach new vocabulary

Teaching New Vocabulary        One important decision we have to make before teaching new words is whether we are teaching vocabulary terms for:  active use  or  understanding .  Vocabulary items which are taught for passive understanding  are those the Ss. will recognize and understand but not necessarily use for communication, e.g. when the teacher gives instructions for Ss. to get in groups or pairs. But  vocabulary items that are taught for active use  are those teachers expect their Ss. to understand, pronounce correctly, read, write and use properly in communication. Steps in teaching a new word: 1- Pronounce the word 2 or 3 times while the Ss. listen. 2- Show the meaning of a word by using suitable technique. 3- Have Ss. to repeat the word after you (in chorus, groups and individually ) 4- Write the word of the board and have your ps. read and copy it. 5- Ask questions for comprehension. 6- Enco...

درووس الفيديو للصف الأول الاعدادي المنهج الجديد 2020 (الترم الأول 6 وحدات)

درووس الفيديو للصف الأول الاعدادي المنهج الجديد 2020 (الترم الأول 6 وحدات) نص الفيديو   video script من دليل المعلم للصف الأول الاعدادي المنهج الجديد 2020 Prep 1 video script unit 1 SB page (6) Unit 1 video script Senet is a very old Egyptian game. You can see it in this picture. It is about 3,000 years old. Look at these people at the Pharaonic Village museum in Cairo. They like Senet, too. Today, people play a game like Senet. It's called chess. Two people play chess. Each person has got white or black pieces. It is not an easy game. Some people play it for six hours or more! Bassem Amin is an Egyptian chess player. He is from Tanta and he is very famous. He is very good at chess. Chess is a popular game in Egypt. There are many chess clubs and some children have chess lessons after school. They also play it at home with their parents. Do you play chess?                    ...

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe About the author: عن المؤلف Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660 . He studied hard at school and had many interesting jobs. He was a businessman who bought and sold things, he travelled to a lot of different countries. In the early 1700s , he worked as a reporter in London. Defoe wrote his first book, Robinson Crusoe , in 1719 when he was 59 . It was very successful. Many people think that this is the first novel in English. He also wrote other novels: Moll Flanders , Colonel Jack and his last novel Roxana , in 1724 . Defoe died in London when he was 70 years old. ولد دانيل ديفو في لندن عام 1660. كان يدرس بجد في المدرسة و حصل على العديد من الوظائف الشيقة. عمل كرجل أعمال يشتري و يبيع، و سافر لعدة دول مختلفة . في أوائل القرن الثامن العشر عمل كصحفي في لندن. قام بتأليف كتابه الأول " روبنسون كروسو " عام 1719 عندما كان عمره 59 عامًا. و قد لاقى نجاحًا كبيرًا. و يعتقد الكثيرون أن هذا الكتاب هو أول رواية في اللغة الانجليزية. قام بتأليف روايات أخرى مثل " مول فل...